IUIU Research Repository: Recent submissions
Now showing items 381-400 of 626
Effect Of Traditional and Multimedia teaching of Vital Signs Assessment on Skills Acquisition of Nursing Students in Islamic University in Uganda
(2015)Changes In Student Population, Increased Use Of Educational Technology And Dramatic Changes In The Practice Of Nursing And Health Care Policies Have Demanded New Approaches To The Transformation Of Nursing Education. This ... -
Analysis of the Effect of Non-Monetary Incentives on the Performance of Staff in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital, Mbale District January, 2010.
(2010)The study was geared towards analyzing the effect of non-monetary incentives on the performance of staff in Mbale Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH). Performance is the outcome of effort and one’s performance is generally ... -
The contribution of save our asouls to basic education service Delevery in Mogadishu-Somalia.
(2016)ABSTRACT The study was conducted on the contribution of SOS to basic education service delivery in Mogadishu Somalia. The purpose of the study was to investigate the contribution of SOS to basic education service delivery ... -
The management of co-curricular activities in Wakiso district selected secondary schools
(2016)This study investigated, ‘The management of co-curricular activities in secondary schools in Wakiso district. The major objective of the study was to explore the management (i.e planning, financing and cordination) of ... -
The Relationship between Child up Bringing practices and Moral Behaviour among Muslim Youth in Muslim Founded Secondary Schools Northern Borough Mbale Municipality Eastern Uganda.
(2015)The Study Looked At The Relationship Between Child Up Bringing Practices And Moral Behaviours Among Muslim Youth In Muslim Founded Secondary Schools In Northern Borough Mbale Municipality. The Specific Objectives That ... -
The Relationship between Motivation Factors and Teachers’ Performance in Private Secondary Schools in Mityana District, Uganda.
(2014)This study found out the relationship between motivation factors and teachers’ performance among Private Secondary Schools in Mityana District. It was focused on finding out the relationship between salary/wages, fringe ... -
The effect of revenue allocation practices on the education sector performance in public primary schools in Mbale municipality - Uganda.
(2016)ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between revenue allocation and education sector performance in public primary schools in Mbale Municipality. It was conducted under three specific ... -
Guidance and Counselling Services and Students’ Competencies in Mbale Municipality Secondary Schools, Uganda
(2015)Stakeholders In Education Across The World Continuously Strive To Ensure That Students Acquire Academic, Vocational And Socio-Personal Competencies. It Is Widely Known That There Is Variation In The Level Of Competencies ... -
Human Resource Utilization on Teacheers’ Performance in Selected Secondary Schools in Mbale District, Uganda
(2015)The Study Aimed At Determining The Effect Of Human Resource Utilization (Hru) On Teachers’ Performance In Secondary Schools In Mbale District. The Study Was Guided By Three Specific Objectives And These Included; Examining ... -
An assessment of the effect of non-financial motivation on the performance of employees of Hormuud telecom In Kismaayo Somalia.
(2013)ABSTRACT The study was an assessment of the effect of non-financial motivation on the performance of employees of Hormuud Telecom in Kismaayo Somalia. The study was guided by the following objectives: To examine the effects ... -
The effect of Muslim Aid Uk practices on the basic health service delivery in Kismayo District-Somalia
(2015)The Study Investigated The Effect Of Muslim Aid UK Practices On The Basic Health Service Delivery In Kismayo-Somalia. The Objectives Of The Study Were To Assess The Effect Of Child Health Care Services Provided By Muslim ... -
An Analysis of the Effects of Contract Management on Employee Performance in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in Uganda December 2010.
(2010)The study is about the effects of contract management on employee performance in the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs (MJCA) in Uganda. The main question of the study was based on the fact that though it is ... -
An assessment of the effect of demobilization on the socio-economic aspects of female updf veterans in Wakiso district
(2010)The demobilization program in Uganda affected 1,389 female veterans out of a total of 36,358 veterans that were honorably discharged from the NRA/UPDF in the period 1992-1995. The research set out to assess the effect of ... -
The Impact of Monetary Incentives on the Performance of extension workers in Mbale municipality, Mbale district, Uganda.
(2015)ABSTRACT The study was to analyze the impact of monetary incentives on the performance of extension workers in Mbale Municipality. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the impact of salary on performance ... -
Utilization and mineral nutritive value of indigenous fruits in Wanale Sub-County, Mbale District
(2015)The Harvesting, Utilization And Marketing Of Indigenous Fruits Have Been Central To The Livelihoods Of Majority Of Rural Communities Throughout Africa And Can Make A Difference During Period Of Famine And Food Scarcity. ... -
The Relationship between Working Capital Management And financial Performance of Uchumi Supermarket Uganda.
(2016)The study was about the relationship between working capital management and financial performance of Uchumi supermarket Uganda. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between cash control and financial ... -
Pupils’high enrolment and Management of public Primary Schools under Universal basic education in Sokoto North, Nigeria
(2015)Primary Education Is The Bedrock Of The Entire Educational System, As It Provides An Extensive Educational Preparation For All Spheres Of Life And Living Generally. It Is Indeed, The Foundation Of The Entire Education ... -
Public private partnership strategy for a solid waste management system for Mbale municipality
(2014)The rapid increase in volume and type of solid waste due to increasing population, industrialization and urbanization in the world over has led to increasing generation of Municipal Solid Wastes. Uganda is one of such areas ... -
The effect of statutory audit on financial performance in Uganda institute of information and communications technology- Nakawa.
(2016)ABSTRACT Statutory audit, as an audit assurance and financial risk assessment, has received significant public and regulators attention in today‘s world. Statutory audit has been identified as the most effective control ... -
Management of Religious Examinations in Dual Curriculum Secondary Schools under Uganda National Examinations Committee for Idaadand Thanawi (Unecit) In Uganda June 2016.
(2016)This study was undertaken to evaluate the management of religious examinations in dual curriculum Islamic secondary schools under UNECIT in central Uganda. It was guided by three research questions; how are the religious ...